Consumer Pushback Against High Prices Affecting Inflation

Consumer pushback against high prices has led to changes in shopping habits, with more Americans opting for store-brand items and shopping at discount stores. This pushback has forced companies to slow down price increases, ultimately helping to cool overall inflation. President Biden has criticized corporations for price-gouging, particularly in the food and consumer goods sector.

Key Points

  • Consumer resistance to high prices is helping to cool inflation
  • President Biden has criticized corporations for price-gouging
  • Companies are starting to rein in price increases and focus on sales


  • Consumer pushback has led to slower price increases
  • More Americans are opting for cheaper alternatives and discount stores
  • Companies are being forced to adjust their pricing strategies


  • Lower-income consumers are running up credit card debt
  • Companies initially exploited supply chain disruptions to raise prices
  • Consumers may still face challenges with rising costs