Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp seeks answers on immigration crisis following tragic killing of nursing student

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp demands answers from President Biden following the tragic killing of a 22-year-old nursing student on the University of Georgia campus. The suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, is a Venezuelan national who crossed illegally into the U.S. in September 2022. Kemp seeks clarification on Ibarra's immigration status and urges the White House to secure the southern border.

Key Points

  • Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan national, is the suspect in the murder of the nursing student
  • Kemp questions why his administration was not made aware of the suspect's asylum claims and release
  • Calls for public provision of information on the suspect's immigration status to ensure community safety


  • Demanding transparency and accountability from the White House on immigration issues
  • Urging federal action to secure the border in order to prevent similar tragedies


  • Relying on unofficial sources and leaks for information on the suspect's immigration status