Republican Party Shift Amid Trump's Likely Third Nomination

As Donald Trump looks set to secure a third presidential nomination, anti-Trump Republicans are realizing the party has changed significantly due to the MAGA movement. Some Republicans in South Carolina feel unmoored and may consider voting for a third party or Democrat Joe Biden in the upcoming election.

Key Points

  • Anti-Trump Republicans in South Carolina may vote for a third party or Biden in the upcoming election.
  • Trump's grip on the Republican Party is strong, with endorsements and family involvement in party affairs.
  • Some Republicans feel betrayed by the party's direction under Trump's leadership.


  • Trump has engaged Americans who previously had little interest in politics.
  • Some Republican-leaning voters are still supportive of Trump's policies.
  • Trump has brought attention to issues like immigration that resonate with certain groups.


  • Many anti-Trump Republicans feel alienated and are considering voting for third-party options or Democrat Joe Biden.
  • Trump's actions, such as lying about the 2020 election and the Capitol riot, have turned some Republicans against him.
  • The Republican Party has shifted to become more personality-centric under Trump's influence.