BDSM Sex Parties at Putin's Army Officers Club in Yekaterinburg

Scandal erupts over BDSM sex parties held at Putin's army officers club in Yekaterinburg, Russia, sparking outrage among war activists and public figures. The debaucherous events clash with the solemn nature of the facility, which hosts funerals for fallen soldiers. Controversy ensues as leaked footage reveals wild parties with naked revellers from the 'Blue velvet group' indulging in alcohol, drugs, and erotic activities.

Key Points

  • Scandal involves wild BDSM parties at the Central Military District Officers' House in Yekaterinburg
  • Leaked footage shows naked revellers from the 'Blue velvet group' engaging in erotic activities
  • Pro-war activists condemn the 'blasphemous' sex bashes held in a facility hosting military funerals
  • Public figures express outrage over the desecration of the place where soldiers are honored
  • Deputy head of the House of Officers resigns over the scandal


  • Raises awareness about inappropriate activities in a military facility
  • Sheds light on the clash between public morality and private behavior


  • Disrespects fallen soldiers by holding debaucherous parties in the same location as military funerals
  • Highlights the decadence and moral decay of Russia's elite circles