Beautiful Churches Around the World

Explore a list of 10 beautiful churches around the world, including St. Peter's Basilica, Sagrada Família, Notre-Dame Cathedral, St. Basil's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Hagia Sophia, Cologne Cathedral, Duomo di Milano, Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe Chapel, and Church of Hallgrímur. Each church showcases unique architecture, history, and cultural significance.

Key Points

  • St. Peter's Basilica designed by Michelangelo in Vatican City
  • Sagrada Família crafted by Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral symbol of French Gothic architecture
  • St. Basil's Cathedral known for its colorful onion domes in Moscow
  • Westminster Abbey with Gothic architecture in London
  • Hagia Sophia showcasing Christian and Islamic elements in Istanbul
  • Cologne Cathedral a Gothic masterpiece in Germany
  • Duomo di Milano Italy's largest cathedral
  • Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe Chapel on a volcanic pinnacle in France
  • Church of Hallgrímur with unique design in Reykjavík


  • Stunning architectural designs
  • Rich historical and cultural significance
  • Symbol of faith and creativity


  • Some churches are still under construction
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral suffered a devastating fire in 2019