Current Events

Negotiators are working on a temporary cease-fire deal in Gaza, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments on social media bans, and Congress faces a potential government shutdown. Kara Swisher discusses her disillusionment with the tech industry, and craftswomen in Nepal are repurposing Everest trash.

Key Points

  • Cease-fire negotiations in Gaza
  • Supreme Court case on social media bans
  • Impending government shutdown
  • Kara Swisher's disillusionment with the tech industry
  • Repurposing of Everest trash in Nepal


  • Negotiations for a cease-fire in Gaza are progressing
  • Supreme Court hearing on social media bans could set an important precedent for free speech
  • Efforts to repurpose Everest trash are providing economic opportunities for craftswomen in Nepal


  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not calling off a planned military offensive in Gaza
  • Congress facing potential government shutdown due to delays in passing a spending plan