Escape of Alleem Bordan from Police Custody in Philadelphia

Alleem Bordan, 29, escaped from police custody while in handcuffs at a hospital in Philadelphia. He had been arrested for stealing a car and was in custody before fleeing officers. Police are still searching for the suspect.

Key Points

  • Alleem Bordan, 29, escaped from police custody while in handcuffs at Temple University Episcopal Hospital in Kensington, Philadelphia
  • Bordan had been arrested for stealing a car from a food delivery driver and was found asleep inside the stolen vehicle
  • He fled while officers were returning to their patrol car, sprinting through a gas station parking lot with his hands cuffed behind his back
  • Police are still searching for Bordan and have warned the public not to approach him


  • Quick response from police to launch a search for the escaped suspect
  • Warning to the public not to approach the escaped suspect for safety reasons


  • Failure to prevent the escape of a handcuffed suspect from police custody
  • Lack of specific details about the suspect's criminal history