House Republican Calls for President Biden's Removal Over Mental Fitness Concerns

House Republican Rep. Ken Buck is calling for President Biden's removal through the 25th Amendment, citing concerns about his mental fitness. Buck's resolution points to a report by Special Counsel Robert Hur on Biden's handling of classified documents and verbal gaffes as evidence of mental decline.

Key Points

  • Rep. Ken Buck is introducing a resolution to call on President Biden's Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment
  • Cites Special Counsel Robert Hur's report on Biden's handling of classified documents as a reason for the resolution
  • Points to Biden's verbal stumbles and public gaffes as evidence of mental decline


  • Brings attention to concerns about the mental fitness of President Biden
  • Highlights the importance of having a president who is mentally and physically capable of handling the duties of the office


  • May be seen as politically motivated or partisan move by some
  • Could further deepen political divisions and tensions