Palestinian Authority Resignations in Postwar Gaza

The Palestinian Authority government, dominated by Fatah political party, performed a symbolic resignation to appease U.S. pressure for 'reform' in postwar Gaza. President Abbas remains in charge despite the resignations.

Key Points

  • PA government, dominated by Fatah, submitted resignations to meet U.S. demands for reform in postwar Gaza
  • President Abbas continues to hold power despite resignations
  • Effort to align with Biden administration's vision for postwar Gaza
  • Israel is opposed to the idea of PA returning to Gaza as governing body


  • Attempt to appease U.S. pressure for reform in governing postwar Gaza
  • Potential for a reformed PA to govern both the West Bank and Gaza as part of a future independent state


  • Resignations are mainly cosmetic as President Abbas remains in charge
  • PA is regarded as corrupt by Palestinians and not trusted by Israelis