Reclassification of 'Mary Poppins' to PG Rating

The 1964 film 'Mary Poppins' has been reclassified to PG due to the use of discriminatory language, specifically the word 'Hottentots.' The BBFC now warns parents about this language when considering letting children watch the movie.

Key Points

  • Use of the word 'Hottentots' led to the reclassification
  • BBFC considers clear condemnation of discriminatory language in content for lower rating
  • Resubmitted in 2024 for a theatrical re-release, leading to the new rating


  • Warns parents about potentially distressing discriminatory language in the film
  • Promotes awareness and sensitivity to racial issues


  • May limit the audience for the film
  • Some may view the reclassification as unnecessary censorship