The Neuroscience of Orgasms and Bonding

New research suggests that orgasms can rewire the brain to promote long-term bonding in relationships, based on a study involving male and female voles. The study found that orgasms can lead to significant brain changes that support connection beyond just sex.

Key Points

  • Orgasms can lead to brain rewiring that supports long-term bonding
  • Both males and females showed similar brain changes during bonding
  • Male orgasms seemed to have a significant impact on brain rewiring


  • Orgasms can promote long-term bonding in relationships
  • Research provides insights into the neuroscience of sex and love
  • The study sheds light on the importance of sex in shaping brain connections


  • The study was conducted on voles, which may not directly translate to human behavior
  • The exact impact of orgasms on humans is still not fully understood