Chinese Bloggers Under Police Investigation for Critical Speech

Chinese bloggers in exile are being investigated by police for their critical speech on international social media platforms, leading to followers being interrogated and urged to unfollow the bloggers' accounts for safety.

Key Points

  • Chinese bloggers Wang Zhi'an and Li Ying are being investigated by Chinese police for their critical speech on international social media platforms.
  • Followers of the bloggers are being interrogated and urged to unfollow their accounts to avoid potential consequences.
  • The Chinese government has a history of cracking down on dissent on social media platforms, both within and outside the country.


  • Raising awareness about Chinese government's crackdown on critical speech
  • Highlighting the risks faced by Chinese citizens for expressing dissenting opinions online


  • Increased censorship and surveillance by Chinese authorities
  • Risk of followers facing repercussions for engaging with critical content