Controversy Surrounding Mohammed El-Kurd's Stance on Terrorism and Violent Protests

Prominent Palestinian writer and activist Mohammed El-Kurd faces backlash for stating that committing acts of terrorism, such as hijacking and throwing Molotov cocktails, is unacceptable in support of Gaza. The article discusses various reactions to El-Kurd's statement, highlighting different perspectives on violent protests and terrorism in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Key Points

  • Mohammed El-Kurd opposes committing acts of terrorism like hijacking and throwing Molotov cocktails in support of Gaza.
  • Reactions to El-Kurd's statement vary, with some supporting his stance on peaceful protest and others criticizing him for dismissing violent forms of protest.
  • The article discusses the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the debate around the effectiveness and ethics of extreme protest actions.


  • Addressing the importance of peaceful protest and non-violent activism.
  • Highlighting the debate around the ethicality of extreme forms of protest like hijacking and self-immolation.


  • Facing backlash and criticism from various individuals for his views on violent protests and acts of terrorism.