EsoGuard: A New Esophageal Cancer Screening Test

A vitamin-sized pill called EsoGuard could be the future of esophageal cancer prevention, offering a new routine screening for a cancer with a low survival rate. The test detects GERD, a risk factor for esophageal cancer, and has an 85% sensitivity and a 99% predictive value.

Key Points

  • EsoGuard detects GERD, a known risk factor for esophageal cancer
  • The test is designed to pick up precancerous conditions in the early stages
  • It offers a less invasive alternative to traditional endoscopy


  • EsoGuard offers a non-invasive and simple way to screen for esophageal cancer
  • Has an 85% sensitivity and a 99% predictive value
  • Can detect precancerous conditions early, allowing for intervention


  • Small risk of false negatives and false positives
  • May cause anxiety in individuals identified with Barrett's esophagus