FOX News Headlines

Recent news headlines from FOX News covering various political and societal issues.

Key Points

  • Coverage of Michigan primary elections
  • Biden addressing age concerns and deflecting to talk about Trump
  • Father criticizing Biden DHS after UGA murder
  • Record-high number of Americans viewing certain issues as critical threats
  • Cancellation of comedians at a Seattle comedy club
  • Passing of a bill banning LGBTQ flags in public school classrooms
  • Controversial Chinese official celebrating Lunar New Year parade in New York
  • Media coverage of Laken Riley murder case
  • Details on fatherless homes in America
  • MSNBC's Joy Reid's controversial remarks on Alabama Republicans


  • Provides insights into current political and societal issues
  • Covers a range of topics from elections to border security


  • May have a bias towards conservative viewpoints