IVF Access and the Alabama Supreme Court Ruling

SOURCE npr.org
Senator Tammy Duckworth is advocating for bipartisan support for IVF access, following the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that considers frozen embryos as unborn children. Democrats are using this decision to emphasize reproductive rights. Duckworth shares her personal experience with IVF and highlights the potential consequences of the ruling on the procedure.

Key Points

  • Frozen embryos are currently considered unborn children in Alabama
  • Senator Duckworth shares her personal struggle with infertility and IVF
  • The ruling raises concerns about the future of IVF procedures and reproductive rights


  • Senator Duckworth is advocating for bipartisan support for IVF access
  • Democrats are using the decision to highlight reproductive rights


  • The Alabama Supreme Court ruling could impact IVF procedures
  • Potential legal implications for fertility clinics and families in Alabama