President Biden's Call for Immigration Bill to Preserve Border Program

President Joe Biden is urging Congress to pass a Senate bill to preserve a program at the U.S.-Mexico border that allowed an illegal alien charged with murder to enter the country. The bill would maintain the Catch and Release network, including a parole pipeline for border crossers. Biden's push for the bill comes after a nursing student, Laken Riley, was allegedly murdered by an illegal alien who had been released into the U.S. interior through this program.

Key Points

  • President Biden is advocating for a Senate bill to preserve an immigration program at the U.S.-Mexico border
  • The bill includes reforms for legal immigration and a parole pipeline for border crossers
  • The murder of Laken Riley by an illegal alien who entered through this program has sparked debate and controversy


  • Bipartisan effort to fix the immigration system
  • Fair and humane reforms for legal immigration


  • Controversy surrounding the parole pipeline allowing illegal aliens into American communities
  • Recent murder case involving an illegal alien who entered through the program