Public Opinion on Federal Migration Policy

A poll by Monmouth University shows increasing public concern over the federal government's migration policy, with a majority of Americans viewing it as a very serious issue. The poll highlights a rise in GOP worries about the economic impact of migration. Republicans are more likely to believe that illegal immigrants take away desirable jobs, leading to a growing concern about the pocketbook damage caused by migration. Democrats and Republicans have contrasting views on the impact of migrants on the job market.

Key Points

  • 61% of Americans view federal migration policy as a very serious issue
  • 84% of respondents consider Biden's migration policy as very serious or somewhat serious
  • Growing GOP concerns about the economic threat posed by migration
  • Democrats and Republicans have differing views on the impact of migrants on job opportunities


  • Increased awareness and discussion around federal migration policy
  • Highlighting the economic impact of migration on American families


  • Political division in views on migration and its effects
  • Potential for misinformation or biased reporting