Various topics covered in Fox News articles

Flight passengers are using seat belts to bind their ankles for extra comfort, TikTok videos show. Safety experts weigh in. Job security tip: work for the federal government, say TikTok users. Test your knowledge with an ice cream quiz and discover cool gifts for bird lovers on Amazon. Learn about Jimmy Carter's post-presidency and the rosary's significance. Play Fox News daily crossword puzzles for free.

Key Points

  • Flight passengers using seat belts for ankle comfort
  • Job security tip: work for the federal government
  • Ice cream quiz to test knowledge
  • Gift ideas for bird lovers on Amazon
  • Insights into Jimmy Carter's post-presidency
  • Explanation of the rosary's use
  • Free daily crossword puzzles on Fox News


  • Provides a range of light-hearted and informative content
  • Offers entertainment value with quizzes and gift suggestions


  • May lack in-depth or hard-hitting news coverage