College student tracking private jet flights of public figures

College student Jack Sweeney tracks private jet flights of public figures, including Taylor Swift and Elon Musk, facing backlash and legal threats but defending his actions as providing valuable information to the public.

Key Points

  • Jack Sweeney tracks private jet flights using publicly available information
  • Sweeney's lawyer defends his right to post public information
  • Elon Musk suspended Sweeney's account for sharing real-time location information
  • Sweeney's actions deemed lawful by a law professor
  • Sweeney plans to continue tracking private jet flights despite legal threats


  • Provides valuable information to the public about private jet flights of public figures
  • Raises awareness about carbon emissions from private jet travel


  • Received legal threats and backlash from public figures like Taylor Swift and Elon Musk
  • Accused of disregarding personal safety and privacy of public figures