Hunter Biden facing Republican lawmakers in closed-door session

Hunter Biden will face Republican lawmakers in a closed-door session to discuss his overseas business endeavors, ethical implications of his art career, and past mistakes related to drug and alcohol addiction. The GOP-led impeachment inquiry hopes to elicit revelations that could justify moving forward with the inquiry.

Key Points

  • Republicans hope to justify moving forward with the impeachment inquiry
  • Hunter Biden plans to deny his father's involvement in his business endeavors
  • Hunter Biden to acknowledge mistakes related to addiction
  • Republicans expected to question Hunter Biden on various aspects of his life and career


  • Opportunity to clarify his involvement in overseas business endeavors
  • Chance to address ethical implications of his art career
  • Acknowledging past mistakes related to drug and alcohol addiction


  • Potential pressure from Republicans to reveal damaging information
  • Limitations on discussing matters related to federal criminal indictments