New Zealand Repealing Tobacco Sales Ban Law

New Zealand will repeal a law banning tobacco sales for future generations, with the toughest anti-tobacco rules in the world set to be scrapped, drawing criticism for the potential impact on health outcomes.

Key Points

  • Repealing world-first law banning tobacco sales for future generations
  • Toughest anti-tobacco rules in the world set to be scrapped
  • Decision criticized for potential negative impact on health outcomes
  • Fears of greater impact on Maori and Pasifika populations


  • Taking a different regulatory approach to reduce smoking and harm caused
  • Commitment to increasing tools available to help people quit smoking
  • Tightening regulations on vaping to deter young people


  • Risk of people dying as a result of repealing the law
  • Criticism for ignoring strong evidence in support of the ban
  • Potential impact on Maori and Pasifika populations with higher smoking rates