Real Housewives Lawsuit Against Andy Cohen

Leah McSweeney files a lawsuit against Real Housewives producer Andy Cohen, alleging cocaine usage and fostering a culture of drug and alcohol abuse within the workplace. Cohen denies the claims. The lawsuit also accuses Cohen of discrimination, retaliation, and creating a hostile work environment.

Key Points

  • Leah McSweeney files a lawsuit against Andy Cohen, Bravo, NBCUniversal, Shed Media, and others
  • Allegations include cocaine usage, discrimination, and fostering a toxic work environment
  • Claims of retaliation and failure to accommodate employees attempting to remain substance-free
  • Ongoing legal battles within the reality TV industry


  • Shedding light on workplace issues within reality TV industry
  • Holding accountable for alleged discriminatory practices


  • Potential damage to reputation of those involved
  • Legal battles and negative publicity