Smokehouse Creek Wildfire in the Texas Panhandle

The Smokehouse Creek Wildfire in the Texas Panhandle has spread to cover over 500,000 acres, is zero percent contained, and has led to evacuations. It is the second-largest wildfire in Texas history. Governor Greg Abbott has activated the Texas Division of Emergency Management to bring in additional resources to combat the fires.

Key Points

  • The Smokehouse Creek Wildfire has spread to over 500,000 acres.
  • Evacuations have been ordered for certain areas like Canadian, Glazier, and Higgins, Texas.
  • The fire is zero percent contained and is the second-largest wildfire in Texas history.
  • Governor Greg Abbott has deployed additional state resources to combat the fires.


  • Governor Abbott has activated additional state resources to combat the wildfires.
  • Firefighters and first responders are working tirelessly to protect Texans.


  • Evacuations have been ordered for residents of certain areas due to the fire.
  • The wildfire is currently zero percent contained, posing a significant challenge.