2024 Swing State Polls: Trump vs. Biden

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Recent polls by Bloomberg/Morning Consult show Donald Trump leading in swing states in a two-way and five-way race. Trump has gained ground in some states since last month. Biden's numbers remain below 44% in most states. Trump is ahead in Nevada by 8 points, a state Republicans haven't won since 2004. The election is Trump's to lose if he can avoid making it about himself.

Key Points

  • Trump at or near 50% in five states
  • Biden stuck between 41-43% in six states
  • Trump ahead in Nevada by 8 points


  • Trump leading in swing states
  • Consistent polling results across different pollsters
  • Trump gaining ground in some states


  • Biden's numbers remain below 44%
  • Risk of Trump losing if he makes the election about himself