Biden and Trump Visiting Southern Border in Texas

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are both visiting the southern border in Texas, focusing on immigration as a key issue for the upcoming 2024 presidential campaign. Biden is visiting Brownsville while Trump is expected to visit Eagle Pass. The visit is seen as a political move to address the ongoing migrant influx and border security funding.

Key Points

  • Biden and Trump visiting the southern border in Texas
  • Focus on immigration as a key issue for the 2024 presidential campaign
  • Debate over border security funding and handling of the migrant influx
  • Contrasting approaches between the two administrations


  • Highlighting the importance of addressing immigration and border security
  • Drawing attention to the ongoing migrant influx and its impact on border towns


  • Potential for the visits to be seen as politically motivated
  • Criticism from both sides regarding handling of immigration issues