Border visit by Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Texas

Donald Trump visits the border in Texas and accuses Joe Biden of allowing an 'invasion' of military-aged men, praises border agents, and vows to stop the influx of migrants. Biden also tours the border city of Brownsville. Immigration is a top issue for voters in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Key Points

  • Immigration is a key issue for the 2024 presidential election
  • Record high public concern about illegal immigration under Biden's presidency
  • Trump vows to carry out the 'largest domestic deportation operation' if re-elected
  • Biden accused of being 'soft' on border control


  • Trump's visit sheds light on the issue of border security and immigration
  • Raises awareness about the challenges faced by border agents


  • Trump's rhetoric about an 'invasion' and blaming Biden may stoke tensions
  • Biden accused of using the visit as a campaign 'photo op'