Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's Legacy

Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, known for his close ties with U.S. presidents and the free trade agreement, passed away at the age of 84. Mulroney served almost a decade as prime minister and played a significant role in Canada's economic policies and relations with the U.S.

Key Points

  • Instrumental in the creation of the North American Free Trade Agreement
  • Played a key role in fighting apartheid in South Africa
  • Revived the Conservative party in Quebec


  • Forged close ties with U.S. presidents through free trade agreements
  • Played a significant role in shaping Canada's economic policies
  • Advocated for stronger U.S.-Canadian relations


  • Saddled with scandals during his administration
  • Received the lowest approval rating in Canadian history upon leaving office
  • Faced criticism over the impact of economic policies on unemployment