Pentagon lifting ban on V-22 Osprey flights

The Pentagon will lift the ban on flights by the grounded V-22 Osprey next week following a high-level meeting where Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin endorsed the military services' plans for a safe return to operations. The Osprey has been grounded for almost three months following crashes in Japan and Australia that are still under investigation.

Key Points

  • Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin endorsed plans for a safe return to operations
  • Naval Air Systems Command will lift the ban on Osprey flights
  • U.S. military will share plans with Japan before resuming flights
  • Military-wide grounding has impacted U.S. Marine Corps and other branches


  • Endorsement of military services' plans for a safe return to operations
  • Mitigation of known material failure through safety checks
  • Establishment of a new, more conservative approach to operating the Osprey


  • Recent crashes in Japan and Australia are still under investigation
  • Osprey flight ban has impacted various branches of the military