President Biden's Event Strategy Amid Pro-Palestinian Protests

President Biden's team is taking steps to minimize disruptions from pro-Palestinian protests by holding smaller events, keeping locations secret, and considering vetting attendees. This has resulted in zero disruptions but limits Biden's reach to key constituencies like young voters. The campaign is organizing larger events after the State of the Union address, aiming to reach more voters, including on college campuses.

Key Points

  • Events have been smaller and kept secret to avoid disruptions
  • Campaign is planning larger events post-State of the Union address
  • Biden engaging in off-the-record stops to connect with voters
  • Concerns about protests have led to changes in event strategy


  • Minimized disruptions at events
  • Allows Biden to engage in a more off-the-cuff style
  • Efficient and innovative ways to meet voters


  • Limits reach to key constituencies like young voters
  • Less engagement with larger audiences
  • Secrecy around event locations