Reinstatement of Rules Against Misgendering and Deadnaming on X/Twitter

Elon Musk's platform X/Twitter has reinstated rules against 'misgendering' and 'deadnaming' transgender people after initially dropping these rules. The updated policy involves reducing the visibility of posts that incorrectly gender a person or use their old name. This move has been criticized by some, including GLAAD, for placing the burden on targets to report their own abuse.

Key Points

  • X/Twitter reinstated rules against misgendering and deadnaming
  • Policy involves reducing visibility of posts that violate rules
  • Criticism from GLAAD and others for burdening targets to report abuse


  • Protection of transgender individuals from intentional harm
  • Clear guidelines on acceptable behavior regarding pronouns and names


  • Criticism for placing the burden on targets to report abuse
  • Potential impact on free speech and expression