Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a state of the nation address warning of tragic consequences if Ukraine's Western backers deepened involvement in the war, issuing nuclear threats to the West and pledging economic growth for Russia. The conflict is more than one country fighting to take over another; it signifies a shift in the world order.

Key Points

  • Putin's warning of tragic consequences for Ukraine's Western backers
  • Pledge for economic growth and social spending in Russia
  • Denial of U.S. accusations of space nuclear weapon intentions
  • Focus on developing military industrial complex and scientific potential


  • Putin's focus on economic growth and social spending for Russians
  • Acknowledgment of work needed to be done in buffering the Russian market against sanctions
  • Government programs aimed at improving citizens' lives


  • Threats of nuclear conflict and belligerent rhetoric towards the West
  • Disqualification of anti-war politician and repression of anti-war sentiment
  • Growing war fatigue and calls to bring soldiers home