Tyreek Hill being sued for breaking influencer's leg during football drill

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Miami Dolphins wide receiver Tyreek Hill is being sued by a social media influencer who claims he broke her leg during a football drill at his Florida home, but Hill's attorney denies the allegations, stating that the injury was caused by the influencer tripping over a dog. The lawsuit is seen as a 'scare tactic' to get Hill to cover the medical bills.

Key Points

  • Tyreek Hill accused of breaking influencer's leg during a football drill
  • Influencer claims Hill charged at her violently, causing serious injuries
  • Hill's attorney denies the allegations, stating the injury was caused by influencer tripping over a dog
  • Lawsuit seen as a 'scare tactic' to get Hill to cover medical bills


  • Attorney representing Tyreek Hill disputes influencer's claims
  • Details of the incident and conflicting narratives add intrigue to the story


  • Allegations of violent behavior and serious injuries