Florida House Bill on Homelessness

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Florida House lawmakers passed a bill to prevent homeless people from sleeping in public and require local governments to fund homeless camps, supported by Governor Ron DeSantis. The bill aims to address homelessness and keep streets clean, with a focus on providing designated areas for sleeping or camping with necessary facilities.

Key Points

  • Supported by Governor Ron DeSantis
  • Aims to prevent Florida from becoming like cities with homelessness crises
  • Focuses on challenging local officials on homelessness initiatives
  • Provides legal standing for residents and business owners to challenge illegal sleeping or camping on public property


  • Prevents homeless people from sleeping in public
  • Requires local governments to fund homeless camps
  • Aims to combat homelessness and keep streets clean
  • Provides designated areas with necessary facilities for homeless individuals


  • May criminalize homelessness
  • Could increase local government costs without state funding
  • Some believe it tries to push homeless individuals out of sight without addressing the root issues