Gold Hoarding for Doomsday Prepping Among Millionaires and Elites

Millionaires and elites are hoarding gold as part of their doomsday preparations to barter with it in case of an economic collapse or other catastrophic events. The surge in gold sales is fueled by concerns over the devaluation of the dollar and overall economic instability.

Key Points

  • Surge in gold sales due to concerns over the devaluation of the dollar and economic collapse
  • Millionaires and elites are investing in gold for doomsday prepping purposes
  • Gold can be used for bartering in a scenario where traditional currency loses value
  • Small denomination gold coins are preferred for easy trade and bartering


  • Gold can be a valuable asset for bartering in a doomsday scenario
  • Small denomination gold coins are considered tradable and bartable
  • Provides a sense of security and preparedness for individuals in uncertain times


  • May promote fear and paranoia among individuals
  • Focuses on individual survival rather than collective well-being
  • Could contribute to the hoarding of valuable resources