Legal Troubles of Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh

Nobel Peace laureate Muhammad Yunus, known as the 'banker to the poor,' faces jail in Bangladesh due to politically motivated charges and a campaign of judicial harassment led by the government. Supporters, including global figures, have expressed concern and called for a fair legal process. Yunus denies all charges and emphasizes the importance of microcredit as a tool to alleviate poverty.

Key Points

  • Yunus denies all charges and emphasizes the importance of microcredit as a tool to alleviate poverty.
  • Global figures, including Nobel laureates, have signed open letters in support of Yunus.
  • The State Department has expressed concerns about the perceived misuse of labor and anti-corruption laws in Yunus' case.


  • Yunus pioneered the use of microcredit to alleviate poverty.
  • Supporters around the world, including global figures, have expressed concern and called for a fair legal process.


  • Yunus faces politically motivated charges and a campaign of judicial harassment led by the Bangladeshi government.
  • He has been convicted of violating labor laws and faces numerous other charges including corruption, tax evasion, and money laundering.