Fentanyl Trade and Chinese Involvement

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Peter Schweizer claims that the fentanyl trade poisoning Americans is primarily a Chinese operation, with Chinese nationals involved at every level of the supply chain, including providing precursors, pill presses, and money laundering services for Mexican cartels. Schweizer also suggests that politicians, including President Joe Biden, are turning a blind eye to this issue due to financial ties to China and individuals in the drug trade.

Key Points

  • Fentanyl trade involves Chinese nationals at every level.
  • Chinese companies provide precursors and equipment to Mexican cartels.
  • Money laundering for drug profits involves Chinese state-owned banks.
  • Politicians, including Joe Biden, may have financial ties to individuals in the drug trade.


  • Highlighting the role of Chinese nationals in the fentanyl trade supply chain.
  • Raising awareness about potential financial ties between politicians and individuals involved in the drug trade.


  • The claims made by Peter Schweizer may be controversial and require further verification.
  • The topic is sensitive and could spark political debates.