Republican Presidential Nomination Process

Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate GOP nomination process by winning caucuses in Idaho and Missouri and sweeping delegate haul in Michigan. Trump earned all 39 delegates at Michigan convention, bringing his count to 244 compared to 24 for Nikki Haley. Next event is in the District of Columbia with Super Tuesday following shortly after.

Key Points

  • Trump won all 39 delegates at Michigan convention, bringing his total count to 244.
  • Haley received only 37 out of 263 Republican votes in Boone County, Missouri.
  • Next event in the District of Columbia with Super Tuesday approaching, where 16 states will hold primaries.


  • Donald Trump's strong performance in caucuses and conventions solidifies his lead in the GOP nomination race.
  • Clear explanation of delegate allocation and upcoming events in the Republican calendar.


  • Significant portion of Michigan Republican grassroots force skipped the convention due to party leadership disputes.
  • Missouri caucus highlighted divisions within the party between Trump and Haley supporters.