Actress Elizabeth Hurley's son directs film with controversial lesbian sex scene

Actress Elizabeth Hurley's son directed a film with a steamy lesbian sex scene involving his mother, sparking controversy and interest from the LGBTQQIAAP2S+ community. The film, 'Strictly Confidential,' has garnered attention on social media for the unconventional casting choice.

Key Points

  • Damian Hurley directed his mother, Elizabeth Hurley, in a lesbian sex scene in the film 'Strictly Confidential'
  • The LGBTQQIAAP2S+ community is excited about the inclusion of lesbian sex scenes in the film
  • Social media users have expressed mixed reactions to the unconventional casting choice


  • Damian Hurley's directorial debut with his mother as the lead actress
  • Engagement of the LGBTQQIAAP2S+ community in anticipation of the film


  • Controversy surrounding a son directing his mother in a steamy sex scene