Impact of Hamas-led attack on Israel on relations between ultra-Orthodox and secular Israelis

The aftermath of the Hamas-led attack on Israel has led to increased solidarity between ultra-Orthodox Jews and secular Israelis, with more Haredim expressing support for military service. The debate over military exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews is reignited as the government faces a decision on including them in the draft. Some modern Haredim are open to integration and military service, while traditional views still prevail in some segments of Haredi society.

Key Points

  • Increased support for military service among some Haredim post-attack
  • Government facing decision on including Haredim in the draft
  • Shift in mindset among some modern Haredim towards integration
  • Resistance to change in traditional Haredi communities


  • Increased solidarity between ultra-Orthodox Jews and secular Israelis
  • More Haredim expressing support for military service
  • Potential for integration of Haredim into the military and broader society


  • Resistance within traditional Haredi communities towards military service
  • Fear of fraying the insular fabric of Haredi life by introducing mandatory military service
  • Continued debate and division over military exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Jews