Ohio 'Incel' Sentenced for Planning Mass Shooting

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Tres Genco, an 'incel,' was sentenced to 6 years in prison for planning to shoot 3,000 sorority girls at an Ohio university. He detailed his plans in a manifesto and had purchased weapons and tactical gear. He was arrested in 2021 for attempting to commit a hate crime.

Key Points

  • Tres Genco pleaded guilty to plotting to 'slaughter' 3,000 sorority girls
  • He had purchased weapons and tactical gear for the attack
  • Genco was arrested in 2021 for attempting to commit a hate crime


  • Law enforcement stopped the deadly attack from happening
  • The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force worked to prevent violence in the community


  • Tres Genco's detailed plans to carry out a mass shooting
  • The disturbing manifesto he wrote expressing hatred towards women