Political Allegations and Connections in Fulton County

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Chris Huttman, business partner of Fulton County's Deputy District Attorney Jeff DiSantis, is connected to President Joe Biden's reelection campaign. DiSantis is accused of being a Biden plant to target former President Donald Trump. Huttman has a history with Biden dating back to the 2020 cycle. DiSantis and Huttman founded 20/20 Insights, LLC, with suspicious timing around changes in the company just before significant events involving Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis and Nathan Wade.

Key Points

  • Chris Huttman linked to President Biden's campaign
  • Jeff DiSantis accused of being a Biden plant targeting Donald Trump
  • Suspicious timing of changes in 20/20 Insights, LLC around significant events involving Fani Willis and Nathan Wade