Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Potential Run with the Libertarian Party

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is considering joining the Libertarian Party's presidential ticket, gaining support from party members and activists. Despite some opposition within the party, there is growing interest in Kennedy potentially running as a third-party candidate in the upcoming election.

Key Points

  • Kennedy's potential switch to the Libertarian Party could significantly impact the upcoming election.
  • Growing interest in Kennedy's candidacy as a third-party option.
  • Kennedy's background and views make him a controversial figure within the Libertarian Party.


  • Growing support among party members and activists for Kennedy to join the Libertarian Party's presidential ticket.
  • Potential to present an alternative to mainstream candidates like President Biden and former President Trump.
  • Interest in building a unique coalition and activating individuals across ideological spectrums.


  • Opposition from some Libertarians, particularly the Mises Caucus, due to concerns about Kennedy's alignment with libertarian principles.
  • Criticism of Kennedy's policies, particularly around guns and foreign policy, not fully aligning with the Libertarian agenda.