Sexual Violence in Gaza Terrorist Attack

A U.N. report found evidence of sexual violence, including rape and gang rape, occurring during a terrorist attack led by Hamas on Oct. 7. The report states multiple incidents of rape, including on corpses, and the difficulty in determining the exact scope of the violence. Israeli officials are investigating allegations of misconduct against Palestinians, and the U.N. team reviewed extensive evidence related to the attack.

Key Points

  • U.N. report found evidence of sexual violence during Hamas-led terrorist attack
  • Israeli officials are investigating misconduct allegations
  • Difficulty in determining the exact scope of the violence due to various challenges


  • Detailed investigation by the U.N. highlights the seriousness of the issue
  • Israeli officials are investigating allegations of misconduct


  • Challenges in determining the exact scope of sexual violence
  • Lack of forensic evidence collection and potential witnesses fearing social stigmatization