Death of Architect Antoine Predock

Internationally renowned architect and avid motorcyclist Antoine Predock died at the age of 87. He was known for his creative designs that incorporated the spirit of landscapes. Predock's legacy includes iconic buildings around the world, inspiring younger generations of architects.

Key Points

  • Predock created buildings that reflected the characteristics of the landscapes they were situated in.
  • His method of starting with sketches and collages inspired younger architects to create spaces that evoke a sense of journey.
  • Predock's designs were described as choreographic, aiming to move people emotionally when they entered his buildings.


  • Antoine Predock was a highly acclaimed architect known for his unique and creative designs.
  • His buildings around the world have left a lasting impact on the architectural community.
  • Predock's legacy includes inspiring younger generations of architects to incorporate the spirit of landscapes into their designs.


  • The architectural community has lost a visionary and influential figure with Predock's passing.