Florida Bill to Ban Homeless from Public Property

SOURCE apnews.com
Florida lawmakers have passed a bill that will ban homeless people from setting up camp or sleeping on public property, with designated areas approved by the state for up to a year. Supporters believe this will help provide services more efficiently, while opponents argue it is just a way to hide the homeless from public view.

Key Points

  • Bill bans homeless from setting up camp or sleeping on public property
  • Designated areas approved by the state for up to a year
  • Prohibits alcohol and illegal drugs in the encampments
  • Opponents argue it does not address root causes of homelessness
  • Does not ensure safety and sanitation in the encampments


  • Designated areas can help provide services more efficiently
  • Addresses the shortage of shelters for the homeless


  • Opponents believe it is an effort to hide the homeless from public view
  • Concerns about safety and sanitation in the government-designated encampments