GPS Interference along NATO Borders with Russia

Sustained interference of GPS signals along NATO borders with Russia is causing concern among Western governments and militaries as Moscow continues its war on Ukraine and escalates confrontation with NATO. The interference affects civilian aviation and is part of Russia's hybrid influence to create a sense of threat and helplessness in society.

Key Points

  • GPS interference is a long-term trend affecting sensitive strategic locations
  • Moscow's interference aims to sow a sense of helplessness in society
  • Russian armed forces use jamming and spoofing to disrupt GNSS signals
  • Interference is nuisance level so far, but poses potential threats in the future


  • Raises awareness about the ongoing GPS interference issue
  • Highlights the impact on civilian aviation and military operations
  • Sheds light on Russia's hybrid influence tactics


  • Potential disruption to GPS signals affecting transportation and navigation systems
  • Creates a sense of threat and helplessness in Western societies