President Biden's strategy to address concerns about his age

President Biden's team is implementing a strategy to address concerns about his age by having him engage more directly with voters and social media influencers, showcasing his achievements and personality to shift public perception.

Key Points

  • Direct engagement with voters and social media influencers
  • Highlighting achievements and legislative accomplishments
  • Framing the age issue to his advantage
  • Addressing concerns about age head-on
  • Neutralizing age as a significant election issue


  • Direct engagement with voters and social media influencers can humanize President Biden and showcase his personality and achievements.
  • Addressing concerns about his age head-on can help shift public perception and demonstrate his readiness for a second term.
  • Focusing on a forward-looking agenda and highlighting his opponent's lapses can help neutralize age as a significant issue in the election.


  • Letting Joe be Joe strategy can be challenging, especially when it comes to handling slip-ups or casual interactions that may be criticized.
  • Critics may still question President Biden's fitness for office despite the efforts to address concerns about his age.