President Biden Urged to Secure Border through Executive Order

President Biden is being urged to secure the border through an executive order to address the surge in illegal immigration. Critics argue that he has the power to do so without Congress's involvement.

Key Points

  • President Biden can issue an executive order to secure the border
  • Critics argue that Biden's reversal of Trump's border rules has led to a surge in illegal immigration
  • Job Creators Network has provided language for the executive order in a New York Times ad
  • Increased crime and terrorism risks are cited as consequences of unvetted immigration
  • Critics urge Biden to reverse his border executive order


  • Addressing the surge in illegal immigration
  • Potential to reverse dire polling numbers
  • Enhancing border security without waiting for congressional action


  • Criticism of Biden's handling of immigration policies
  • Concerns about increased crime and terrorism risks associated with unvetted immigration