A report from the Convergence Collaborative on Supports for Working Families suggests bold moves that people across the political spectrum can agree on to help families with young children, including providing cash benefits, improving access to high-quality child care, and guaranteeing paid parental leave. The report emphasizes the importance of bipartisan efforts to support families and children.
Key Points
Cash benefits for children, prioritizing families with young children
Increased funding and flexibility for the Child Care and Development Block Grant
Federal policy guaranteeing at least 12 weeks of paid parental leave for newborns
Importance of intergenerational equity in federal spending
Providing cash benefits to low- to moderate-income families can have significant benefits for children and society
Improving access to high-quality child care can positively impact children's development and parental well-being
Guaranteeing paid parental leave can lead to better health outcomes for children and parents, as well as increased workforce participation
Disagreements exist on finer points such as incentivizing parents to work and funding sources for family support programs
Challenges in reaching all eligible families with existing programs like the Child Care and Development Block Grant